Thursday 19 September 2019

Yesterday in we made a uniform from the country our P.E team is ( mine is Ireland). We incorporated the shoes we made last week. By using the curve tool we traced over a picture of ourselves holding a rugby ball. I struggled using the curve tool because if I put another curve to close to the one I just did it finished so I had to restart. I enjoyed learning how to trace on a chromebook.

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Today I was learning to incorporate a countries flag, national flower and animal to create a mascot. We made this in pairs and communicated using the commenting tool. Using the curve tool we traced  over an image to make the separate designs.
I enjoyed tracing the images and I like designing how we were going to lay it out.
I found it challenging to to layer it. You can't use the order tool with lines so layering it was a struggle.